Friday, January 20, 2006

Ego Surf

Steve posted this site: today on his blog.

So of course I had to try.

Here is my score: 1159

I thought it was sad.

Although I am the top result for Google. So there.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Back Update

I had another MRI done in December that showed another herniated disc. This is the third time that this disc has herniated.
disappointment set in. I thought for sure that this last surgery was going to work and fix the problems that I have been having for so long now.
But it didn't.

I made an appointment to see a spinal specialist on referral from my last surgeon. I made the appointment with a specialist that had done a fusion on my husbands boss's back.

The appointment was Jan. 10 at 1pm.
Mom Eck, Steve and I were all going to go. Mom was the first one there at about 12:40, I showed up shortly after at 12:45. Steve came at 1:05.

We waited, and waited and waited, until Steve finally had to leave at 2:45 to get to the airport for a last minute trip to Long Beach CA for work. He never even left the waiting room.

As the elevator doors were shutting, they came and got me. I was so angry! But the wait was not over yet. We got into the room and did a few minor questions, then the Physicians assistant came in and looked at the MRI's. He also asked a few questions. Then he decided he wanted more X-Rays.

All in all the Specialist did not even make it into the room until 4:05!!! It was crazy, and frustrating.

I thought finally we will get some answers!
The specialist has said a spinal fusion is our last resort. But had no new, or other alternatives for me. I have already done PT, epideral steroid injections, pain medication, and a few other modalities like hot and cold packs.

So back to square one, be in pain all the time.

He did order another test called a discogram. In this test they put needles into your back and into the disc. They then inject stuff into the disc to get it to expand. Thus hopefully replicating your symptoms and narrowing down exactly were the pain is coming from. Then maybe we will have more answers.

The Discogram is scheduled for Jan. 24. So we will just have to see.