Wednesday, November 30, 2005

The Neurotic Doggy

I know it's been a while! But I could not resist posting about Pippen (the neurotic doggy).
As you can see in this photo the Pip decided that she really was not hungry, after dragging 4 kibbles out on the the carpet in an artistic manner.

She has gotten into the habit of scarfing down kibble when we walk by the dish, take the vacuum over to pick up piggy crumbs that are everywhere, or anytime she thinks we may steal her meal.

This time I happened to catch her doing it with the camera. Notice how she is standing there saying, "What?!?! That other dog must have been eating my kibble! Look at the mess it made!!"

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Weather

So it is the second day of November and low and behold it is gorgeous outside.

Other than the wind.

But you cannot beat 70 degrees right now!

At least that is what the weather channel says for Farmington.

It makes me want to spend all day outside, even though I have way to much to do inside. (Like homework, cooking, laundry, oh yeah and that internship!)

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Happy Halloween!
Do you like my carving skills?

Pippen Getting into the Halloween Spirit!
All in all we had around 106 trick or treater's last night. We ran out of the first batch of candy and I had to have Steve run to the store to get more for the little beggars.

I really enjoy Halloween. I love to see all the little kids in their costumes. They are so cute.