Stupid Smoke Detector
Yesterday Steve left to go to the Washington D. C. area for an Oracle class.
Today all Hell broke loose!
Pippen decided that today we might go back to being a little sick. Thanks, Pip.
Then the smoke alarm above the ledge in the kitchen decided it's battery did not want to work anymore. It went off shrieking madly every 5 minutes for about a minute at a time. I had to get the ladder, then stand on the last step possible and could barely reach the stupid thing. Finally I got the battery changed and it shut up.
Pippen thanks me as she laid in the hall moaning and rubbing her little ears with her paws.
Then I checked my online course stuff. To my surprise I had an email waiting for me that said final grades are posted, please check to make sure yours accurately displays all of your turned in assignments.
The last assignment was not supposed to be due until Wednesday of this week.
My grade dropped from a 96.67 % to a 91% because of course I had not turned in the assignment yet.
Frantically I emailed the instructor to argue about the calendar date that posted the assignment being due on Wednesday, and also included my evaluation assignment as I had it done but just had not gotten around to submitting it yet.
I have checked that email account all day today and no news yet on if he will accept the assignment even though it is not due until Wednesday, he's funny like that.
So I will patiently wait to be vindicated of turning in a late assignment and will hopefully see my grade back in the 96% range for my well earned A.
That's all for now, and I think I will watch a movie as that seems like something safe to do.
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